Kyrgyz officials have gained a deeper understanding of the various forms and methods of human trafficking prevalent in border areas

  • Thematic Component: 4. Improvement of Cross-Border Cooperation
  • Country: Kyrgyzstan

From July 9 to 10, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) organised a training on combating trafficking in human beings (THB) and providing support to victims for local self-government bodies and regional departments of the state agencies of Kyrgyzstan.

This programme activity is aimed to educate local self-government authorities and state agencies operating in border areas about threats of human trafficking, while also highlighting the regional support resources available for victims.

As a result of the training, participants have gained a deeper understanding of the various forms and methods of human trafficking prevalent in border areas, enabling them to recognize and respond to potential cases more effectively. Also, training has fostered networking and collaboration among local self-government authorities and state agencies, facilitating coordinated efforts in preventing human trafficking and providing support to victims.

This activity was organised in the framework of the Programme’s Component 4, “Improvement of Cross-Border Cooperation”, and is aimed at improving living conditions in border areas through local economic development, with a focus on human rights, gender equality and vulnerable groups.