K9 trainers from Central Asia successfully completed ToT course in Latvia

  • Thematic Component: 2. Improvement of Detection Capacities
  • Country: All region, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

On September 24, the closing ceremony of BOMCA #ToT course for dog handling instructors from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan (specializing in the search for explosives, ammunition, and weapons) took place at the Canine Center of the State Border Guard College of Latvia.

The 2nd round of 3-month ToT course was organized under Component 2 of BOMCA  10 “Improvement of detection capacities”.

During the graduation ceremony, participants received a certificates of the successful completion of the ToT course. Also, a service dogs and sets of necessary equipment were given to them.

The main aim of the activity was to raise Central Asia dog handlers’ theoretical knowledge and practical skills for training K9 teams and service dogs, used for daily border guarding and other tasks specific to law enforcement agencies.

As per the activity’s expected results, it is foreseen that participants return to their home countries, they will pass on the knowledge gained in EU to their colleagues, who will train other instructors.

The event was attended by the representatives of the embassies of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to Latvia, as well as leadership of the State Border Guard of Latvia and representatives of the BOMCA 10 programme.