BOMCA organised Study visit to Latvia on implementation of border control procedures in line with EU requirements

  • Thematic Component: 3. Facilitation of Trade
  • Country: All region, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

From July 9 to 11, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA10) organised a study visit to the EU (Latvia) regarding implementation of border control procedures under EU requirements, including a demonstration of best practices of inter - agency cooperation mechanisms at various levels of command, as defined in the National IBM strategy of Latvia.

This programme activity was organised for the managerial level staff of the Customs, Veterinary and Phytosanitary authorities of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

The participants got acquainted with the specifics of the operations at land and seaport border crossing/customs control points.

The study visit is aimed at sharing good practices and to explain the practical implementation of border control procedures, in line with EU requirements, to encourage Central Asian services to introduce and adopt institutional, technical and normative measures to facilitate legitimate flows of goods across borders. 

The study visit to the EU was organized within the Component 3, “Facilitation of Trade”, which aims to further support the regional economic integration process.