BOMCA organised regional online workshop on profiling at checkpoints

  • Thematic Component: 1. Institutional Development of Border Control Agencies
  • Country: All region, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

On September 16, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia organised a regional online workshop on profiling at border checkpoints.

This project activity aimed to advance the professional skills of the Central Asian countries by sharing methodological support and developing skills on profiling at border checkpoints for border, migration and law enforcement agencies, including educational institutions in the region.  With this objective in mind, the BOMCA expert from Kazakhstan has delivered a training course on the effective profiling of victims of trafficking, illegal migrants, terrorist fighters and drug traffickers.

This activity is a part of the series of online training sessions organized within the BOMCA 10 initiated consortium of border guards and customs institutions in the Central Asian region, as well as an agreed training plan 2024 for the region, including such activities as an exchange of trainers, on-line lectures and specific offline activities.