BOMCA 10 continues to enhance the expertise of Turkmenistan’s Law Enforcement Agencies on modern evidence collection methods

  • Thematic Component: 2. Improvement of Detection Capacities
  • Country: Turkmenistan

On 13-15 March in Ashgabat, the EU funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA10) held a practical training for staff of the Centre for Criminological Research of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on usage of 3D scanner. The aim of the workshop was to increase the capacities of the Centre in forensic investigation of cross border crimes by familiarising with one of the modern evidence collection tools. 

This workshop is connected to recently procured terrestrial 3D laser scanner, tablet computer, laptop along with specialised software and data acquisition tools.  New forensic equipment will enable investigators to create highly precise 3D models of crime scenes and evidence, improving the accuracy and reliability of forensic examinations while aligning investigative processes with international good practices.

This activity was organised under the Programme’s Component 2 “Improvement of detection dapacities” aimed at strengthening investigative capacities of law enforcement agencies in modernising forensic methodologies and strengthening evidence-based investigations.