Facts and figures
Since its launch in 2003, the various phases of the BOMCA Programme have focused on capacity building and institutional development, developing trade corridors, improving border management systems and eliminating drug trafficking across the Central Asia region. Each new phase of BOMCA was designed to gradually build upon and consolidate the results achieved during the preceding phases . During its earlier phases, the Programme channelled its resources towards creating modern border management infrastructure in 5 Central Asian countries.
Capitalising on the success of previous phases, this 9th phase intends to continue interventions in the area of institutional development, management of migration flows and trade facilitation. Its overall objective is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of border management in Central Asia by introducing advanced elements of Integrated Border Management (IBM), assisting governments in developing and reforming their migration governance, mobility and trade facilitation policies, and strengthening capacities of Border and Migration Agencies, and thus contributing to enhanced security at the national and regional levels.
The 9th phase of BOMCA Programme was launched in June 2015 for 36 months with a total budget of almost 5mln Euro. In June 2018 the Programme was extended until December 14th, 2019 with an additional funding of almost 1,6 mln Euro.
In November 2019 by Decision of the European Commission it was extended until 30th of April, 2020, and later on until 30th September 2020.
Overall objective
The overall objective is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of border management in Central Asia by introducing advanced elements of Integrated Border Management (IBM), assisting governments in developing and reforming their migration governance, mobility and trade facilitation policies, and strengthening capacities of Border and Migration Agencies, thus contributing to security and economic development at national and regional levels.
Specific objectives and expected results
Specific objectives: | Components: | Expected results: | ||
To sustain institutional development in the transition to more effective and efficient methods of border management, replicating best practices of the IBM paradigm | ![]() |
Component 1: Institutional Development of Border Management Agencies | ![]() |
Human resource policies and administrative management of Central Asian border and migration agencies are further developed and sustained, following in theory and in practice principles of IBM and in compliance with law-enforcement international standards and norms |
To develop legal and procedural instruments, as well as advanced practices to manage regular and irregular migration at borders, in compliance with international norms and standards | ![]() |
Component 2: Institutional Framework for Management of Mixed Migration Flows at Borders | ![]() |
Legal and procedural instruments to manage both regular and irregular migration flows/mobility (flow of persons) at borders are further improved, employing EU good practices and examples of external borders of EU |
To introduce measures to increase the efficiency of border checks and procedures facilitating licit trade and transit of goods and countering various forms of smuggling | ![]() |
Component 3: Adoption of Trade Facilitation Regimes at Borders | ![]() |
Further measures increasing the efficiency of procedures regarding flow of goods are introduced and applied at borders, following EU best practices, thus facilitating regional and international trade |
The target groups include national border management and migration management authorities.
The final beneficiaries of the programme include staff and management of border- and migration-related agencies, businesses and other clients (both international and national), migrant workers, border communities, and the general population of Central Asian countries, who will benefit from more secure borders, well-managed mobility and migration flows, and increased trade facilitation.
Component 1: Institutional Development of Border Management Agencies
This Component aims to contribute to the development of the sustainable capacity of Central Asian border agencies by further developing their human resource policies and administrative management, following the principles of IBM in theory and practice and in compliance with international law-enforcement standards and norms.
Component 2: Institutional Framework for Management of Mixed Migration Flows at Borders
This Component aims to support further development of legal and procedural instruments, and to introduce advanced practices to promote cross-border mobility and address the multi-faceted challenges caused by mixed migration flows from, through and to Central Asia. This includes ensuring proper identification of, and protection for, vulnerable migrants (notably labour migrants), promoting advanced local border traffic regimes, and the use of EU guidelines and examples from the EU's external borders. The project will contribute to the implementation of the objectives and conclusions adopted in the framework of the intergovernmental migration dialogues in which the Central Asian states participate - the Budapest, Prague and Almaty processes.
Component 3: Adoption of trade facilitation regimes at borders
This Component aims to support the introduction of measures increasing the efficiency of procedures regarding flow of goods at borders, and thus facilitate regional and international trade.