On October 24-27 in Ashgabat and November 6-8 in Tashkent Technical Assistance Missions on criminal investigation in risk management were held.
International and local experts gathered together to discuss practical application of the criminal investigation in customs control.
By reviewing and consolidating various existing national and international regulations, national and European experts exchanged experience and practices on criminal investigation and its principles, interconnectivity of e-intelligence with risk management. Integration of criminal investigation into risk analysis system will promote a more harmonised approach to customs control and create a more transparent, up-to-date and effective system of import controls, allowing more coherence in and integration of the different control mechanisms in place.
The wider goal of this BOMCA activity is to provide the technical assistance in the area of the development and improvement of the risk management systems, keeping in mind that proper risk management in Customs area is one of the most important preconditions for the trade facilitation.